Nutrition 101
Shocking huh?? It is, sad but true. 90% of people with diabetes develop it later on in life, which means that a healthy life style can actually prevent the onset of the disease. But what is diabetes, what causes it and how can we prevent it?
The following video will help you answer all these questions.

The first kind of diabetes mentioned in the video is type 2 diabetes and this is the one that affects most people. As for the second kind mentioned, it's type 1 and it's this kind that is usually inherited and can't be prevented,AGAIN, it affects only 10% of the global population. Which means that 90% of diabetes cases are preventable.

So, is it really hard to prevent diabetes? Not at all, you can modify a few things in your life to prevent this disease from affecting you.

Dietary modifications:


1. Eat a healthy balanced diet, use the information I have given you to choose your food in a smart way :) .

2. Eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals and do not overeat.

3. Eat whole wheat grains (rice, pasta and bread) instead of white grains.

Life style modifications:

1. Exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes)

2. Control your stress, tip: Yoga classes can be very useful

3. Avoid Smoking.