Nutrition 101
Which one of the characters in the youtube video above reminds you of yourself? If it is the little guy, then you aren't in the right place. But if it is the bigger one, stay here, I have some valuable information for you :)

                                  " Every one is highly motivated, it's diet that will make the vital difference"
                                                                                                                                                         Ron Maughan, exercice physiologist from Scotland

So this is a brief overview of specific dietary modifications that you should do, specially before a workout event.

       Three things you should keep in mind:
                    1. You Do NOT need to take protein supplements.

                    2. Your main source of energy should be coming mostly from carbohydrates.

                    3. Water should become your best friend.

So are you ready for the big event? Have you been training for the past months? I am sure you did. But are you nutritionally ready, observe the following table for a quick check.

Too many water bottles huh? Well this is just to emphasize how important it is to make sure that you are hydrated when you exercise. Your body is made up of approximately 60% water and it can't afford to lose much of it. It is important for you heart, for you blood circulation, for your digestion and many other functions that happen inside you body. So make sure you are hydrated!!!!

Other than these recommendation would be that you might need to drink sports drink that contain electrolytes which are elements needed by your body, but are unfortunately lost when you sweat or lose water.

As I said before, protein supplements are not necessary, but if taken in reasonable amount, they are not harmful. The myth is "The exercising muscle needs proteins to maintain its health". But, the truth is, you muscle's preferred source of energy is carbohydrates and so the extra protein you provide to it doesn't necessarily assure its health.